Meet Japanese
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Meet Japaneseとは?

Meet Japaneseは無料の出会い系サイトです。ここであなたは多くの外国人とマッチすることができます、


Yuri (20year old)

Aichi (Nagoya)
Relation serieuse, Amour・Mariage
言語 Anglais・Japonais
国籍 Japan

Hello everyone! I'm Yuri. I'm looking forward to make long-term friends :) I studied abroad in Brisbane, Australia and I've also been to Winchester, the UK. I love travelling the world!! So I would like to share some cultures and personally I'm interested in many English accents! But I would like to chat with you about any topics so that you can broaden my perspective! Preferably I would like to make new friends living in Edinburgh because I'm going to work there for two years from March. Thank you very much for reading this and I hope to hear from you soon ;D Yuri

F.M (23year old)

Miyagi (Sendai)
Relation serieuse, Cherche des amis
言語 Anglais・Japonais
国籍 Japan

Hi! Everyone. My name is Fumiya and I'm 23 years old. I would like to make friends and improve my English so I can help you about Japanese. I like watching football,movies,animals(dog and cat) and listening the music(almost L'arc~en~Ciel ,B'z,VAMPS,Babymetal ). I'm very interested in Babymetal now so If you're big fan of them, I wanna talk about it. I may go to Europe in February or March so I wanna meet a person there and have a nice time! I have LINE and Skype! If you interested me,send me a message and I'll teach you my LINE or Skype ID. waiting for your Message.

Jun (26year old)

Relation serieuse, Cherche des amis
言語 Anglais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

Hi there, I'm looking for someone to talk about each other's country, culture and daily life with. I work in Tokyo, and I possibly move to Europe and US. I love to travel, and I'm interested in countries I've never been to. So it sounds great if we can talk about each other's country and culture. (I've ever been to Czech, Austria, Finland, Norway, Germany, France, Italy, Taiwan...and some other countries. All of them was great.) I can teach you Japanese if you are interested. Of course easy talk is fine:) Thank you.

Rika2 (41year old)

Relation serieuse, Amour・Mariage
言語 Japonais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

こんにちは! 昨年大阪に引っ越してきました。 英語は少し分かりますが、もっと話せるように勉強中です。 大阪でも新しい友達を作りたいです。 よかったらお友達になってください! Hello my name is Rika and I'm living in Osaka. I'm looking for friends to hang out with. Thank you for reading, hope to talk to you soon.

yana (24year old)

Cherche des amis
言語 Japonais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

Hello!!My name is Yana and I work at a nursery. I live in Japan. Things I like is sweets, cosmetic,fashion,game,anime:D I want to be friends with people from lots of different countries. interested in lots of different countries cultures:) I'd like to meet someone to exchange either e-mail or snail mail with. ※But I don't want romance. I thank you for reading it through. By now, I guess you get used to my funny English writing.

Kuma (27year old)

Miyagi (Sendai)
Relation serieuse
言語 Japonais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

Hello there!! I want to speak English good well but I'm not good. I would like to become friends. I like watching movie, watch baseball game, listening to music,cats. もし良ければお友だちになってください! よろしくお願いします(^^)

Sally (30year old)

Cherche des amis
言語 Japonais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

Hi I'm Sally, was born and raised in Osaka. I used to live in Australia to study English. I don't have chances to speak English currently. Then I go to language school and study. But it is not enough to keep English skill because once a week...:( I'm looking for language exchange friends. Hopefully around 30 yrs old and love to drink:) If you are interested, please feel free to ask anything!

Yumi (36year old)

Amant, Aventure extraconjugale, Cherche des amis
言語 Japonais・Anglais
国籍 Japan

Hi there I'm Yumi from Japan. I'm married and have a child. I'd like long term friends by email,Line,Skype. I'd like to talk about many things. I like seeing art and reading and going cafe. I don't meet with someone for shy,safe. If I will trust you,we may meet and talk. By the way,I can chat in simple English,but I study to talk in English.and I study French and Chinese a little. Thank you.

Alex (29year old)

Cherche des amis
言語 Anglais・Japonais
国籍 Australia

こんにちは!アレックスです。大学院生でプログラミングと生物学を研究のために東京に引こっしたオーストラリア人です。 一番の趣味は、写真撮影とファッション好き。特に靴大好き♡ 実は、靴フェチので、ちょっと変態かな。でも、皆変態じゃない?w 写真撮影のために、買ったハイヒール持ってる。写真好きな人、撮った写真見せていい? 他に、ネイルとか、アートとか、音楽とか、数学とか、心理学も好き。習い事が好きな人と、ファッション好きな人と、変態な人と話したい ^ ^ よろしくお願いします〜

Jay (35year old)

Relation serieuse, Amour・Mariage, Amant, Cherche des amis
言語 Japonais・Allemand・Francais
国籍 Japan

Hi, I'm Japanese in Tokyo who likes to travel and swim. I have been to several countries in Asia, North America and Europe, both on business and on my own. As a student, I liked to learn languages, teach Japanese and enjoy company of people, normally in small numbers. Now I work, and I have less time than as student so I hope to get to know people through this website. It is challenging to travel to country where you don't know the language, but when I was in foreign country to travel, people I don't know showed kindness and this helped me psychologically very much. So, if you are planning to come to Japan or interested in coming, I would be happy to help with information and advice. 日本の方でも大歓迎ですので、少人数の食事やちょっと体にいいスポーツをしたり良い物を食べたりしたりすることが好きな方、ご連絡ください! I look forward to getting to know you! Jay